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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers 



Q: Which team should my child tryout for? 

A: . If you would want to join please contact us for more information for our National Team and for the Local programs  


Q: What if my child is unable to attend the tryout date for her grade level? 

A: It is highly recommended that players do their best to attend the tryout date for their grade level. However, if a player is not able to attend, please notify us as soon as possible. Coaches will not be aware of why players are not at a tryout without advanced notification. This does not help potential players' chances of making the team. 


Q: Is there a fee for tryouts? 

A: No Fee.  If you cannot make the tryout please contact us asap. We only host workouts to determine our national and/or local teams


Q: How do you evaluate players to ensure each player gets a fair tryout? 

A: Players are put through basic basketball drills to evaluate the skills of shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, and defense. All players are put through the same drills to ensure that the tryout process is fair. The players will also be divided up into teams and play games to showcase their abilities. 


Q: My child plays another sport (baseball, soccer, etc) – would they be able to play AAU Basketball also? 

A: Yes they can still play AAU basketball. Our teams practice twice a week for 1.5 - 2 hours a night and games are on weekends (some tournaments start on Friday evenings). Each coach has a different policy on practice and game attendance. Please discuss this matter during our tryouts parents’ session with the specific coach on their policy on missing practices and games. It is important to let the coach know beforehand if you are unable to attend a practice or a game. An AAU program is much more competitive than recreational and local select teams because it involves kids from different communities playing on the same team resulting in a better talent pool. Recreational Leagues will consist of teams from one town or school/grade that register together playing teams from other towns. AAU is also a bigger time commitment with practices during the week and tournaments on the weekends. It is also important to keep in mind that players who are unable to attend practice will also miss out on understanding what was covered in practice (ex: a particular play). This is important to understand because it could affect playing time. 


Q: Is playing time guaranteed if my child makes a team? 

A: Unlike some programs, there is NO GUARANTEED playing time on AAU teams for any player. Coaches must weigh a number of factors for each and every game as to which players will start and who will be subbed in. Coaches generally do not keep track of individual players’ playing time and the worst thing you can do as a parent is go up to a coach right after a game and ask him why your child was in for only one minute and 16 seconds. First of all, contain your emotions and issues, and call the coach to discuss the issue away from the event. Second, our coaches and other bench personnel do NOT keep track of playing time per se and if that is all you are concerned with then you have missed the broader goals of our program. 


Q: How will players be selected for a team? 

A: Through the try-out process players will be evaluated on their basketball skills, knowledge, athleticism, and attitude. Coaches will weigh all these factors in selecting team members.  


Q: If I don't make a team do I get my tryout fee back? 
A: Refunds will not be given to players who do not make the team. The fee is for the opportunity to tryout for the team. Everyone makes the team on our MKU Academy AAU Program.  We try to place girls on teams to help with 
development. The goal is to get as many girls as possible to play the game of basketball. 


Q: Who selects which players make a team? 
A: The MKU Elite Ladies Basketball Coaching Staff independently evaluates everyone and then meets as a group to discuss each player.  No cuts on our local AAU Teams 



Q: My child is very upset over not making the National team; what should I say to her? 
A: We understand that getting cut from a team is a heartbreaking experience for any child. It is important that you explain to your child that if they gave their best effort, that is what is most important. Many good players have been cut at one time or another, Michael Jordan was once cut from his high school team. Players should evaluate the areas that they need improvement in and work at them. We do have a local AAU team that continues to play and will help with their development. 









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